Contestants will be expected to participate in the following sub contests in order to qualify for
the finals, and to win the title
Swimsuit / Sidamo traditional costume
Evening wear / SHIB-SHIB
Traditional Abesha- Kamist
Personal interview
Stage presence
In addition it is here by stated the Contestants / winner shall be bound by
the following additional terms, rules and conditions to execute her Reign as MISS ETHIOPIA WORLD 2004
- Contestants must be Unmarried in the year that they are competing,
failure to do so will render the contestant ineligible, and she shall be disqualified from competing
- Contestants must be aged between 16 & 25 years old in the year
that they are competing, and provide proof by means of a recognized government issued document certifying her age. Failure
to do so will render the contestant ineligible, and she shall be disqualified from competing
- Contestants must be Ethiopian citizens, or have at lease one parent
who is an Ethiopian citizen. Failure to do so will render the contestant ineligible, and she shall be disqualified from
- Contestants must be able to read and write, failure to do so will render
the contestant ineligible, and she shall be disqualified from competing disqualified
- Contestants will
be selected in stages, based on the format described else where in the Miss Ethiopia
world website, under The Road to the Beauty Crown,
- Contestants will be expected to turn up promptly for all rehearsals
and events for the Beauty Pageant, and follow all instructions that are given to them, failure to do so will render the
contestant ineligible, and she shall be disqualified from competing
- Contestants will be expected to take part in a series of photo shoots,
wearing outfits chosen by the Pageant organizers, which will include, swim suit, traditional outfits, lingerie, sports
wear, casual wear, evening wear failure to do so will render the contestant
ineligible, and she shall be disqualified from competing
- Contestants will
be expected to under go a Visual and medical screening,
prior to participating in the Pageant failure to do so will render the contestant ineligible, and she shall be
disqualified from competing.
- Contestants must
be pleasant and lady like in their conduct at all times, failure to do so will render the contestant ineligible, and
she shall be disqualified from competing.
- Miss Ethiopia World, Must not attend any function in private as Miss
Ethiopia World, during the year that she is the reigning Queen with out the full permission of The President of the Ethiopian
life Foundation.
- Miss Ethiopia World must wear the Miss Ethiopia World" Beauty
Pageant crown or tiara and sash at all public engagements.
- Miss Ethiopia
World, Shall attend all public appearances and events booked by the President of the Ethiopian life Foundation
- Miss Ethiopia
World shall accompany the President of the Ethiopian life foundation on any assignment that he selects for her, to introduce
her to potential sponsors, attend meetings with event organisers etc
- Miss Ethiopia World, Shall be dressed decently and properly at all
times, during her reign, as Miss Ethiopia World,
- Miss Ethiopia World, May not conduct any form of commercial endorsements
paid or UN paid as Miss Ethiopia World, with out prior permission from the President of the Ethiopian life Foundation, during
the year that she is the reigning Queen
- Miss Ethiopia World , Shall not Be seen in a compromising or embarrassing
situation in public or private, or any situation that is likely to bring disrepute to the status of Miss Ethiopia World
, or cause embarrassment to the pageant or to the Ethiopian Life Foundation
- Miss Ethiopia
World, Shall not Get married or engaged during her reign, as Miss Ethiopia World, without the permission of the President
of The Ethiopian life Foundation.
- Miss Ethiopia World, Shall not live with or cohabit with any man or
boyfriend during her reign, as Miss Ethiopia World, without the permission of the President of The Ethiopian life Foundation
- Miss Ethiopia World, Shall not Become pregnant during the year that
she is the reigning Miss Ethiopia World, without the permission of the president of The Ethiopian life foundation
- Miss Ethiopia World, Shall not be seen to be intoxicated, under the
influence of narcotics or in a state of partial undress in public or private at any time, during her reign, as Miss Ethiopia
- Miss Ethiopia World, Shall not Associate with people of questionable
character, during the year that she is the reigning Miss Ethiopia World.
- All contestants are expected, to meet and complete all assignments
on time set for her by the President of the Ethiopian Life Foundation on time, any Contestant who fails to meet the requirements
shall not be entitled to the full prize package offered, and may not challenge the awards.
- Miss Ethiopia World , Shall not Make or share any paid or
un paid political views, endorse any political parties or campaign for or on behalf of any political parties, during
the year that she is the reigning Miss Ethiopia World .
- Miss Ethiopia World, Shall not Enter into any business or commercial
enterprise with out prior permission from the president of the Ethiopian life Foundation during the year that she is the reigning
Miss Ethiopia World.
- Miss Ethiopia World , Shall not Accept any gifts or presents, from
any person or business in return for making an appearance at a public function or a place of business, during the year that
she is the reigning Miss Ethiopia World .
- Miss
Ethiopia World shall not take part in any commercials for any company or organisation not endorsed by The Miss Ethiopia World
Beauty Pageant and without the permission of the president of the Ethiopian life Foundation during the year that she is the
reigning Miss Ethiopia World.
- Miss Ethiopia
World shall not take part in any beauty pageant not endorsed by The Miss Ethiopia World Beauty Pageant and without the permission
of the president of the Ethiopian life Foundation during the year that she is the reigning Miss Ethiopia World. And for 4
years after her reign unless it is under the auspices of the president of the Ethiopian life Foundation
- Miss
Ethiopia World shall not give any press interviews or hold a press conference with out the prior permission of the president
of the Ethiopian life Foundation
- Miss Ethiopia Wold shall reveal any internal business plans, company
information or event information considered internal communications to the press with out the prior permission of the president
of the Ethiopian life Foundation
- Miss Ethiopia World, Shall conduct her self in a manner expected of
a beauty queen that represents Ethiopia at all times
- Miss Ethiopia World shall maintain her body weight to within +/- 10%
of the weight stated on the entry form during the year that she is the reigning Miss Ethiopia World.
- Miss Ethiopia World , will be expected to participate in fund raising
activities and be a major spokes person on HIV / Aids, awareness, The sexual exploitation of children and womens rights issues,
during the year that she is the reigning Miss Ethiopia World .
- All photos submitted shall become property of The Miss Ethiopia World
Beauty Pageant and may be used In future promotions, and marketing events, and shall not be limited to Beauty pageants.
- The title of Miss Ethiopia World and the Miss Ethiopia World Crown are Trademarks and the property
of and belong to the Ethiopian life foundation, No queen by being crowned acquires any rights to retain the Crown or use the
title Miss Ethiopia-World, make or create any promotional material such as photos, flyers, create Websites
with the trademarks, videoes, publicity material etc, in any endeavours, public or private, without the written permission
of the President of the Ethiopian life foundation, the crown must be surrendered on demand by the president at his sole discretion
- By signing the agreement the contestant is also signing a binding management
contract with Mega-Star Talent Management, Mega Star talent management shall be the exclusive talent agent and management
representative for any future modelling assignments that the contestant enters into and shall manage the contestant exclusively
for a period of not less than 5 years from the date of the contract being signed in return for a management fee
of 20% of the contestants earnings from modelling and show business in that period.
- The Ethiopian life Foundation, and or Megastar Talent Management shall
make bookings for Miss Ethiopia World to make public appearances, to raise
money for the cause, and shall charge what ever the marked forces allow for, Miss Ethiopia World shall be paid a commission
of 25% of all booking fees, paid monthly in arrears, in addition to her prize purse.
- All prizes described are subject to availability from our sponsors,
and are subject change at any time, no substitute shall be made for prizes that are not available, or are withdrawn.
- Miss Ethiopia World agrees to attend a minimum of 48 such Paid public
appearances, in support of fund raising activities both within Ethiopia and outside Ethiopia
- The contestant here by waives all rights to take any form of legal
action against the President of The Ethiopian Life Foundation , Megastar
Entertainment the Co Organizers of the Miss Ethiopia World Beauty Pageant , be it in an official capacity or in a private
capacity regarding the outcome or any disputes that may arise from the contestant entering the Miss Ethiopia World Beauty
- The president of The Ethiopian life Foundation shall have
a final say in all matters and disputes in relation to the outcome of the Beauty pageant, and his decision shall be final.
are general rules and are not meant to be the only grounds for termination, The
contestant agrees that the information supplied in the Official entry form is true and correct and agrees that any deliberate
omission or falsification shall constitute grounds for Disqualification and stripping the contestant of the title. The contestant
shall have no right of appeal beyond the president of The Ethiopian Life Foundation,
who shall make all final decisions. The terms MISS ETHIOPIA WORLD, THE ETHIOPIAN
LIFE FOUNDATION, or the organizers Of MISS
ETHIOPIA WORLD Beauty pageant shall be deemed to be referring to the President and Chief Executive Officer, of the Ethiopian
Life Foundation, from whom all such permission shall First be obtained in writing, before any activities are undertaken by
Miss Ethiopia world